Saturday, August 6, 2011

Those sticky points of reformed theology

I thought I would do a series of blog posts on what I call the "sticky" points of reformed theology. Those points that people outside have a difficult time with. Trust me, I did too!

I think it will be good for me, and if you too are searching, at least it will give you some answers. Areas like : infant baptism, that fifth point of Calvin, and others.

Stay tuned. Agree or disagree. But read, think and study! That's the fun of it all!

Friday, August 5, 2011


Recently, on a blog post of a friend, she apologized for ever being a fundamentalist. I must admit, I often feel like that. Never does that truth hit home more than when I recall my teaching days.

Oh the dumb things I used to focus on. . . all these standards that really had absolutely ZERO Biblical ground. How I used to just set my life by these standards. And now, I just realize, it's ALL just SO wrong.

I have really procrastinated writing this post because it's not my intention to offend anyone. And I'm sure there will be "separation" from me over these thoughts. But really, go find it in the Bible. . . if it's not there, don't hang your hat on it. You'd be surprised what you find when you really start digging. My desire is to not let a religious system dictate how you live your life or what you believe, but let the Bible be your guide.

What is the essence : the gospel, pure and simple. Grace unabounded. (and no I don't think that means you can live however you want). Never have I seen a holier people, a people more committed to living the life God wants them to. I see a people now who don't live by a set of standards but by the rulebook of the BIBLE. Sola Scriptura! That is my greatest desire for my life.
Sola Scriptura - Scripture Alone
Solus Christus - Christ Alone
Sola Gratia - Grace Alone
Sola Fide - Faith Alone
Soli Deo Gloria - The Glory of God Alone