Tuesday, June 12, 2012

A life without depression

I've been silent for a while. Frankly, there are many times I just feel I have nothing to say. But I had this conversation this week I feel compelled to share.

My husband and I were talking about depression. It's been a pretty tough year. Tougher than I've told most people.  I think I stay silent during the rough times because, frankly, who wants to hear about them? No one, so I've been told. Many times.

So I say to my husband this week. What would life be like without depression? I often think of that as my ultimate goal: to live a WELL life. A life without sickness and without depression.

And he says, "would you really want that life? I love you the way you are. Your difficulties make you a special individual with depth and feeling."

I have thought and thought about these words this week. Why is it that we see an "ideal" life as a life free from depression? You have to admit it, most Christians do.

I believe firmly this IS my thorn in the flesh. I'm not sure I will ever be fully rid of it.

What does God say to Paul when he asks to be delivered from his thorn? "My grace is sufficient for you."

His grace is sufficient, no matter what my issue is. Mine just happens to be depression. It's ugly, it's dark. But I must embrace it as the path HE has chosen for me.

1 comment:

Jackie said...

Beautifully written, Denise.