Monday, June 18, 2012


I bet this was probably the most helpful advice I received when working through the spiritual aspects of my depression. Do ONE thing. 

I would curl up in a corner and sob. My brain SHOUTS at me. The dirty dishes sit in the sink. The laundry piles up. But I want my corner. I want my covers over my head to shut out the voice. I want other people to come, take over my life so that I don’t have to deal with it. Because dealing is just . . . too . . . hard.

Now I have a choice. God gave me this life, so I HAVE to deal. I have choices to make. Often, I make the wrong one, but I learned something. When I make one right choice, GOD gives grace. Then, He gives more grace to make another right one. Maybe, just maybe, one day gets ONE right choice. But it’s SOMETHING. And with each right choice comes grace. And with grace comes sanctification. And before you know it, you’re changing.  And before you know it, maybe the right choices start to outweigh the wrong ones, and you are being sanctified. Not through power of your own, but through the immeasurable grace of Jesus.

So what are some practical things to help? 
First, music is a powerful help during the difficulties. Choosing music that speaks truth is of vital importance.

Casting Crowns has a fabulous song I would sing over and over. It's called Voice of Truth

The song’s chorus states:

Out of all the voices calling out to me
I will choose to listen and believe the voice of truth

We’ll talk more about truth later and the place it has in this fight. But I have to CHOOSE to believe truth when everything in my head is shouting lies.

Back to our one step.What are other "one steps"? Maybe one load of dishes. Maybe one load of laundry. I might pick up one room. Doesn’t seem like much, but some days those victories are like climbing a mountain.  

And I begin to notice that with each step comes grace.

And when you step backwards and disobey, you confess. Isn’t that the joy of the cross? You can take your sin and LEAVE IT THERE.  You don’t have to feel guilty. Christ paid the penalty. And you can do one right thing now!

So one practical step you can do or encourage someone else to do: ONE step. ONE good choice. ONE at a time. Blessings, friend.


Elisabeth said...

Thank you, Denise. So helpful.

Elisabeth said...
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