Sunday, July 15, 2012

Depression is NOT a sign of weakness - my church service this morning

This morning, our visiting speaker preached on Psalm 88. It's an interesting Psalm for a sermon. It's a Psalm of Lament. Unlike most Psalms of Lament, there is no turning toward heaven at the end of the Psalm. Instead, the Psalm ends in a dark place.

I have days like that. Shoot, I've had weeks like that. So I was intrigued by this message from the beginning.

The speaker said a sentence that I'm not sure I will EVER forget. He basically said that depression is NOT a sign of weakness. See, I have known for a long time that depression itself is not a sin. But I'm not sure I will ever feel as strong as other Christians. I often look at myself as the "weak one."  I still often think that if I were a good, strong Christian, I wouldn't have this struggle. What a balm again to remember that is NOT the case.

A few very rambling notes from the message this morning:

  • If there is any hope for us, it must be in the God who saves. 
  • Our standing before God has NOTHING to do with how we're feeling (is not based on how we feel). 
  • We can take our despair and depression before God. 
  • We can appeal to the mercy of the Lord. Without His intervention, we have no hope. 
  • The psalmist persevered in his prayers. The reason we have this Psalm is because the Psalmist never quit praying, even in his despair. 
  • While in our depression, we may question where God is.  He is ALWAYS with His people. In His covenant love, He promises to never leave or forsake his children. 
  • Coming to Christ, we are ALWAYS received, always welcomed, always loved.  
A few years ago, I was ready to walk away from God because I could not be strong enough. I'm so thankful for my journey to the place where I realize, His strength is enough. 

1 comment:

2lplvr said...

Just this morning I was reminded that All of You is more than enough for all of me...